Must be listened to be believed...
Episode 2
Jayku is the guest co-host.
*The Russian chick who wants to fuck Jayku at Kress, a damn cougar she is!
*Asshole boss at Kress, more club political drama.
*Boned my first black girl last night (SNL at Vanguard), cute as fuck but she snores like a motherfucker. Step by step breakdown of pulling.
*I smoke weed to allieviate my migraines. Im drinking too much. Im outta control.
*Jayku see's mini me at Kress trying to snake his chick.
*Steamroller joins the call.
*Stripper game with Steamroller and Lord of Allure.
*Lord of Allure is the Robin Hood of teaching stripper game for free.
*Tension at Drais Nightclub. 25 black girl set and our partner isnt happy.
*JTR to quit promoting clubs and exposing the Hollywood scene?
*Jayku is like Crocodile Dundee subuing PUA's by rubbing his finger on thier heads.
*Steamroller requests to ask Jayku certain things he's been wanting to get off his chest.
*Steamroller confronts Jayku about his first impressions of him not being good at all.
*Me motorboating the audience with visual description.
Stream the audio here
Another packed show today. I want to have as many of you guys on possible so just send me an email at
if you want to be considered to be interviewed.